Wednesday, October 5, 2011

At Home Pilates - Exercises on the Mat

Pilates is a fabulous way to change your body and get into shape.  The mat exercises are simple and easy enough to be done at home. 

First, you will want to watch someone demonstrate the exercises.  There are some downloads available to get you started.  (I recommend these because you can return them very easily if you are unsatisfied.) You can check out the Power Pilates System for complete details on every exercise. 

The warm up in Pilates Mat classes is always going to be the Hundred.  Lying flat on your back, pulse your arms up and down for ten sets of ten. 

Next, you move on to the Roll Up.  This is similiar to a sit up except that you start lying in a supine position.  You peel your body off the floor and reach out toward your toes.

The Roll Over is the third exercise in the mat series.  The Roll Over is just the opposite of the roll up.  You engage your abdominals and bring your legs toward your head. 

Rolling Like a Ball is next.  As you sit, grasp your legs near your ankles.  Curl your back and inhale as you roll backward.  Exhale to bring your body back up to a sitting position.

Leg Circles are the next exercise.  You lie in a supine position again.  Extend one leg up toward the ceiling.  Point your toe and circle around.  Make sure that you keep your body stable by anchoring your pelvis to the floor.

Single Leg Stretch